Kerry ETB
Scoil Chuimsitheach an Tóchair
Causeway Comprehensive School

Erasmus Visit

Erasmus Visit

Last Thursday and Friday we were delighted to welcome Anne-Laure and Anne from a school in Pithiviers in France. The teachers spent two days at our school and met with some of our students that will be spending a week in Pithiviers.

Fifteen of our students will go to Pithiviers from March 10th to March 17th. They will stay with host families, attend some classes and take party in many fun activities throughout the week. This trip is funded by the European Union.

Anne-Laure and Anne enjoyed a tour around the beautiful Maharees but the highlight of their trip was meeting Farmer Jimmy's pet lambs.

Erasmus VisitErasmus Visit
Causeway, Co.Kerry, Ireland.
066 713 1197
© 2025 Causeway Comprehensive School