Kerry ETB
Scoil Chuimsitheach an Tóchair
Causeway Comprehensive School


What is Chaplaincy?

Chaplaincy is an important part of Pastoral Care in our school. The Chaplain is a person trained in this specialist area, nominated by the local Bishop and employed by Kerry ETB. The Chaplain may be a priest, religious brother/ sister or a Lay person. A lay person is someone who is baptised into the Christian community and actively tries to live out and share their faith. A lay person does not take religious vows nor is he or she ordained.

The Chaplain to Causeway Comprehensive School is Mr. Paul Montgomery, B.A. Theol., M.A.Chap., Post.Grad Studies in Holocaust Education. Students are also welcome to speak with the Career Guidance Counsellor, Class Tutors, Year heads or indeed any teacher they trust.

The Chaplain is here to listen. Much of the Chaplain's day is spent meeting people, often on a one-to-one basis. Another important role of the chaplain is to coordinate the Liturgical life of the school. This involves, for example, organising Opening of Academic Year Mass, Graduation Liturgies, Healing services, etc. Social Justice is also very important to Christians, so the Chaplain is naturally involved in this area.

The Chaplain is also involved in teaching and learning in the school.

Is what I talk about to the Chaplain Private?

Yes. What you tell the Chaplain is private & confidential. However, you should be aware that if there is any danger to your life or the life of someone you know, other people may have to be informed and become involved. The aim here is always to protect your life and not betray your trust. This will be explained in more detail by the Chaplain.

The most important thing to remember is that you are always welcome to share your feeling and concerns.

What can be discussed with the Chaplain?

Anything! Basically any issue that is causing you distress or worry and you feel that it would help to talk about it in confidence. Here are some of the issues that students have come to talk about:

  • Relationships
  • Difficulties in adjusting
  • Abuse
  • Loneliness
  • Making friends
  • Conflict
  • Worry/anxiety
  • Loss
  • Bereavement
  • Separation
  • Divorce
  • Pregnancy
  • Facts of Life
  • Substance Abuse
  • Growing up
  • Sexual Orientation
  • Identity
  • Sleeping & Eating Disorders
  • Depression
  • Suicide
  • Alcohol
  • Peer Pressure
  • Serious Illness
  • Anger/Aggression
  • Exam pressures
  • Bullying
  • Stress
  • Spiritual Direction
Causeway, Co.Kerry, Ireland.
066 713 1197
© 2024 Causeway Comprehensive School