Causeway Comprehensive School Fees for 2025-2026 is as follows:
€100 per student in Junior Cycle and €100 per student in Senior Cycle
(Family price is 80 per child after first child)
€100 per student for Junior Cycle students (1st, 2nd , 3rd Years)
Buses (Contribution to buses.
Lockers, IT Licences, testing, academic tracking, guest speakers.
Communications (including printing, photocopying, texting, VS Ware, phone & stamps)
- School Locker & Lock for School Locker
- IT Licences, testing, academic tracking, guest speakers
- Contribution towards stationery, printing and photocopying
- Communications :VSware, phone, postage and text service
- Buses Contribution to buses (Further contributions will need to be sought as the year
progresses and depending on the amount of trips the students will make. The cost
of bus hire has escalated in the past few years.)
€100 per student for Senior Cycle students ( 5th Year & 6th Year)
- School Locker & Lock for School Locker
- IT Licences, testing, academic tracking, guest speakers
- Contribution towards stationery, printing and photocopying
- Communications :VSware, phone, postage and text service
- Buses Contribution to buses (Further contributions will need to be sought as the year
progresses and depending on the amount of trips the students will make. The cost
of bus hire has escalated in the past few years.)
Transition Year (TY) Programme
The Transition Year fees are €400 which covers the core costs such as visits, activities etc. Optional choices to events, activities may have a cost.
Book Rental Scheme- New Government Scheme
This includes the following:
Junior Cycle & Senior Cycle Books : As part of the new Government book Scheme, All junior & senior cycle students will been supplied with Books and resources such as copies pens etc
As part of the Junior & Senior Cycle Free Schoolbooks scheme, schoolbooks will be provided free to every student on loan at the start of the school year. The following core classroom resources will also be provided free to students by the school:
- 1 school journal,12 softback A4 copybooks,1 softback A4 project maths copybook,1 display A4 plastic folder,1 plastic zip A4 mesh folder, 1 maths log book,1 scientific calculator,3 pens – blue, red, black
Resources required for option subjects will also be provided when subjects have been decided e.g. art sets, woodwork sets etc. Students may purchase additional resources/stationary themselves if they so wish.
School Fees can be paid using the Way To Pay App.
If the payment of the above School Fees will result in financial hardship we are happy to discuss this - please contact the School Office to arrange an appointment to discuss.
For most recent Book list , please contact school office or check on this link here - Booklist